Stone Horse Auctions Important Information

Introduction to Our New Auction Format

We are thrilled to announce that Stone Horses will now host auctions directly on our website!  

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Erika Ipes and her platform Model Horse Place for their incredible support over the past year. Her partnership has been invaluable as we fine tuned our auction processes, and MHP remains an excellent platform for collectors to buy and sell models

Important Things to Remember

Outbid Notifications: You will receive emails if you have been outbid. The link in those emails will return you to the auction to bid again if you choose. Note that if you have placed an Automatic/Proxy Bid, you will get an “outbid” email even if you still have the high automatic bid, this cannot be turned off in the system because of how automatic bids flow. Best practice is to click into the auction to confirm you are still the high bidder, rather than relying only on the emails.

Winning Status:When you visit the site and have bid on an auction and refresh the page, the front icon for the listing will have a flag that shows if you are winning or not.

Proxy/Automatic Bidding: Please remember your high bid amount for proxy bidding. We do not have access to your high bid amount anywhere in the system and won’t be able to let you know what your high bid is if you lose track of it.

Bid Visibility: The auction will show real-time bids, but no identifying information about bidders.

Self-Outbidding:The auction will allow you to outbid yourself, so it is important to remember your high bid and your proxy bid. We cannot correct a bid where you have bid yourself up. We do not have access to your proxy bid amount. It is hidden in the system to protect the integrity of the auctions.

Bid Corrections: If you enter a bid by mistake, such as including an extra zero, call or email the office immediately.

Use Refresh:Please use your system refresh option to have your screen reflect the most accurate data. Using the back buttons may not result in updated listings. 

Security:As only logged in accounts can bid, the auctions will be safe and secure for our collecting community. We actively monitor new Stone Horses account sign-ups to watch for potential issues. To maintain the integrity of our auctions, we require updated customer information, including names and phone numbers, in your account settings. Bids from accounts without customer contact information may be removed.You can update your account yourslef, call our office, or email

We hope you enjoy participating in our auctions and find the process as exciting as we do!

Happy bidding!

Stone Horse Auctions Instructions 

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Visit Our Website: Go to

2. Create an Account: If you don't already have an account, sign up for one.

3. Log In: Once you have an account, log in to the website.

4. Navigate to the Auctions Page: Go to the "Stone Store" tab and select "Auctions."

5. Browse Listings: You will find a list of our auction pieces on this page.

6. Place Your Bids – Remember, you can’t bid if you are not logged in!

When on the listing, you will see the auction bid box in place of the purchase tabs. You can bid with a straight bid within the “place a bid” box; or place a high bid within the “automatic bid” box and allow the system to bid for you.

The banner at the top of the box will be green if you are the high bidder and change to orange-red if you have been outbid.

7. Monitor Your Auction: Keep an eye on your auction until it ends.

You will receive emails if you have been outbid, but you can also check the page on our website to watch the progress.

The auctions will extend the time by 2 minutes for every bid until bidding has ended to avoid sniping.

8. Auction End: At the end of the auction, both winners and those who have not won will be emailed. If you have the winning bid, you can email us if you would like a finish added, on pieces that have extra finish available.

We will invoice you through our store checkout. All payment options, including LayBuy layaway, are available.

You will have 72 hours from the time you receive your invoice to pay or make arrangements with the Stone Horses team for payment.