From Passion to Creation

Stone Horses Art of the Horse Contest is established to allow artists of all skill levels to express themselves and show off their unique style. We believe that everyone deserves to have the opportunity to create something that truly represents their passion for horses. We’re dedicated to providing an exceptionally fun contest experience and building strong relationships with our fellow hobbyists.

Art of the Horse 2025 has
TWO divisions with eight classes total.
Prizes Awarded in each division!! 

The theme for 2025 is Harmony. The partnership between horse and human, the connections we foster in this community, the relationship between artist and subject – we strive for harmony in so many ways, and we look forward to seeing how you represent this in your art! The intent for this contest is for you to create art that moves you, art that moves others, and that is equine related in some way.

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Join us at our Equilocity Art of the Horse Dinner & Awards Celebration on Friday, July 11th, at the Marriott Griffin Gate in Lexington, Kentucky. Be the first to hear who the winners are and get the first chance to purchase beautiful models based on these stunning works of art! Tickets will be on sale soon!

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Division B of the AOTH offering for 2025 celebrates the amazing customizing artists in our community.

All entries for these four sections must be done on our Arabian Stallion mold!

***Entrants for these four classes must be attending Equilocity 2025 in Lexington, or have an identified proxy hand-deliver their entries to the Griffin Gate event space***

Please click on title for drop down description 

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How to Enter Division B

Entries for classes 5-8 must also fill out the entry form before 5:00 PM on Friday, July 4th 2025, and then physically bring your piece to the Griffin Gate Salon A on Thursday, July 10th 2025 between 12pm-9:30pm.

No Purchase is necessary to win. You do not have to be a current/past customer of The Peter Stone Horse Company to enter.

If you don't already possess a Peter Stone Company Arabian Stallion model for the custom classes, we will have a selection available for purchase. However, you are welcome to participate with any Arabian Stallion model you own or acquire from another source.

Art of the Horse 2025 Guidelines 
Art of the Horse 2025 
Division B Entry Form
Order An Arabian Stallion Model
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Who Can Enter 
Art of the Horse Contests

• The Art of the Horse contest is open worldwide. Entries must be submitted in English or with English Subtitles where applicable.

• Open to everyone ages 14 years and up. Ages 14 years to 17 years must fill out and submit with entry a parent consent form.

• Novice to professionals may enter. Please review judging and understand that the criteria set for determining a winner is factored by more than the expertise displayed in the works, making this equal opportunities to win for all levels of skill.

• Participants may enter ONE piece per category. A separate entry form per entry must be completed for each entry.

Parental Permission Form 
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Judges: The contest jury is composed of members of the Stone Horse staff. Judging Criteria: Artwork should be horse related.

● Judges will review entries for creativity, originality, execution, use of media, realism where appropriate, and overall impact of the piece.

All levels of artist are welcomed in this contest, and experience will be a weighted criteria in judging decisions.

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Each Division Will Be Awarded These Prizes

● Grand Prize/1st Prize: 1/8 Special Run Stone Prize Model Horse and $275 Stone Horses Gift Card
● 2nd Prize: $250 Stone Horses Gift Card
● 3rd Prize: $200 Stone Horses Gift Card